It is my great privilege to represent the people of Monash in the Parliament of Australia. Our local area is a great place to live, work and raise a family and I work to ensure it continues to be an even better place for us all.
In addition to serving our Monash community, I am a vocal advocate for a just and compassionate society with a focus on: a fair and sustainable NDIS, care and dignity for our elders and their carers, respect for women, flexibility and support for small businesses and the humane treatment of refugees.
Keeping in touch with your views and opinions helps me to represent you and I encourage your regular feedback. Please take the time to complete my survey and you can also subscribe to my mailing list to receive regular updates.
Federal Member for Monash
Trust, reason and commonsense
Today I wrote to the Prime Minister calling for the immediate suspension of COVID-19 vaccines due to DNA contamination. The evidence demands a full and transparent inquiry.
My letter was co-signed by 26 highly respected lawyers, health professionals + academics and a copy is in the comments section. ... See MoreSee Less
This is terrifying- people need to wake up and demand answers and accountability.
Thank you Russell Broadbent MP . The mandates also need to end!
Thanks Russell for looking after the forgotten people
Thank you
Keep trying. Eventually people will listen.
Thank you 🫶
Whats the bet Albo never responds to your letter. Labor & Liberals will forever cover this up. Personally I think 100's of people should be in jail over this.
Thanks for standing up against this Mr Russell Broadbent MP👍
They have cooked the goose this time. Great to see a return of the Anzac spirit.
Can’t get sound....
Cook on, Rusty, cook on.
Good on you Russell Broadbent MP!
Some of us prefer our vaccines to be properly tested.
This page is like the Village Green for the Village Idiots 🤣
Very important as it is spread through bodily fluids , the mrna blood clotting
Meaning there is a new undiagnosed disease getting around now from people getting these injections
This will go down in history as the biggest medical criminal cover up in human history.
Russell Broadbent MP ,,,
GOOD ON YOU,,, 💪💪💪💥🔥
I cannot believe how the majority of politicians refuse to listen to anyone who has a difference of opinion supported with evidence.
Another thing I don't understand is why is the parliament so empty when subjects opposing the *narrative* are being spoken in the chamber.
Blatant ignorance and arrogance with absolutely no representation of *we the people*... 🤔🤔
They know and won't cease and desist unless arrested! They are complicit in the biggest cover up of the biggest premeditated crimes against humanity of all time and on many levels! Thank you for your integrity Russell Broadbent MP
Is it just me or are the antivax dingalings getting even stupider?
Thank you sir.
Thank you 🙏
Thank you!!
They are giving people this September a new vaccine they say for the elderly. People will unknowingly take it. Unaware it has mRNA in it.
I got this message from my practice.....SOooo sad this is still going on. And people will not be aware of the danger...... 😔
You may be aware of a new vaccine available for people aged 75 years on 1.9.2024. If you would like to make an appointment for this vaccine please contact our reception team and book an appointment with the Practice nurse respiratory-syncytial-virus-rsv/
Water mining is a lie. Water is replaced by rain. Has the water buy back scheme been offered to Cubbie station and it's cotton industry with 460 giga litres storage. That's 184000 olympic swimming pools.
The Net Zero by 2050 target is unrealistic.
It’s not grounded in reality and will come at your expense twice – both as a taxpayer and as a consumer.
There is no path to Net Zero without considerable compromise. ... See MoreSee Less