Restoring Fish Habitats in Corner Inlet

30 October, 2020

Important fisheries habitat in Corner Inlet will be restored thanks to a $400,000 grant from the Commonwealth Government.

Member for Monash, Russell Broadbent said that the project to be undertaken by the West Gippsland CMA would work towards protecting water quality and restoring the health and functionality of coastal and estuarine fisheries habitats.

“This project will protect water quality in Corner Inlet, by restoring 12 hectares of riparian area along tributaries within the catchment, creating a buffer between waterways and adjacent farmland, and will restore 12 hectares of Broadleaf Seagrass (Posidonia Australis) habitat in the embayment.

“With the nearby Port Welshpool Long Jetty and our natural beauty in South Gippsland, people travel from near and far to enjoy recreational fishing and the waters of Corner Inlet and it is important that we ensure it has a healthy future.

“The West Gippsland CMA will manage this project which is one of 28 projects across the country to share in $8 million of grant funding.

Recreational fishers will work alongside local farmers and Landcare volunteers to support riparian re-vegetation efforts, reducing sediment and nutrient loads from tributaries within the Corner Inlet catchment that threaten seagrass meadows downstream.

Assistant Minister for Forestry and Fisheries Jonno Duniam said these projects would benefit recreational fishers by improving the health and productivity of habitats that support fish stocks and fisheries.

“Australia’s waterways are some of the best in the world,” Assistant Minister Duniam said.

“It’s critical we keep our fisheries habitats healthy so we can continue to enjoy our world-class fishing into the future.

“This funding will see Regional Land Partnership providers and recreational fishing groups partner in rolling-up their sleeves to directly improve fish habitats.

The Fisheries Habitat Restoration Program is a 2019 government election commitment to provide $8 million to restore the health and functionality of coastal and estuarine fisheries habitats.


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