New Mental Health Clinic For Warragul

15 September, 2020

A mental health hub is planned for Warragul, with the Minister for Health announcing 15 new clinics across Victoria.

Local Member for Monash Russell Broadbent welcomed the announcement and encouraged anyone in the community struggling with their mental health, to seek support.

“This is a terribly difficult time for so many people in the Monash electorate and throughout the state. It’s important they know it’s okay not to feel okay.

“Free mental health support services will now be available at Sutton Street in Warragul.

“Our Government recognises that the ongoing restrictions are having a significant impact on the wellbeing and mental health of individuals and communities in Victoria. We are committed to ensuring that support is available across the state, including here in Gippsland, in our community,” Mr Broadbent said.

The clinics are staffed by multi-disciplinary teams of mental health professionals which may include GPs, mental health nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers and/or other allied health workers.

Mr Broadbent said the new clinics, branded with the HeadtoHelp logo, will provide a place within the community for people to access mental health care as early and as conveniently as possible.

“The HeadtoHelp clinics will provide on-site mental health support, and will also connect to other mental health services in their region, including intensive mental health care or social supports, to ensure people get the help they need when they need it.

“The clinics will play a key role in supporting our GPs, emergency departments, and hospitals by providing easily accessible mental health care.

“This collaboration between the Commonwealth and Victorian governments is ensuring that the new clinics will be integrated with local services and will support other enhancements to Victoria’s mental health system,” Mr Broadbent said.

In addition to the clinics, $5 million in funding is being provided to enhance existing digital and phone services for specific groups that are experiencing significant challenges during the restrictions in Victoria.

These services providers include The Butterfly Foundation, Eating Disorders Families Australia (EDFA), Q-Life, Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia (PANDA), and Victorian Aboriginal Health Service (VAHS) Yarning SafeNStrong helpline.

This new support builds on the more than $500 million additional funding provided by our Government for mental health and suicide prevention during the COVID-19 pandemic, including 10 additional Medicare subsidised psychological therapy sessions for people subject to further restrictions.

Anyone concerned about their mental health can visit these clinics in person or call 1800 595 212 to talk to a health professional or connect to a service near them.

More information on how to access the HeadtoHelp clinics and additional digital supports can also be found at or

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