The Challenges Of COVID-19

17 September, 2020

I’ve been feeling a little bit testy this week, I wouldn’t be on my own.

I don’t know how each of you are coping at the moment, but coming from a stage 4 lockdown area, I am missing all that we once took for granted.

Hugs from friends and family, especially grandchildren, shopping with my wife, a haircut and travelling anywhere I like without feeling threatened with a fine.

Going to the hardware store or nursery to pick up what I need and of course the things I don’t need.

Not seeing friends and when you do their face is hidden.

Picking up the papers without lining up, seeing thriving businesses crushed by the restrictions, they teeter on the edge of survival.

Just freedom to move.

Access to the Parliament of Australia, where I am elected to serve.

Going to work with my staff, moving about my electorate, just walking down to Logan’s to buy lunch for my office because stage 4 residents are not allowed in Warragul shops.

Yes, I do understand the need to defeat this COVID-19 virus, but many are doing it hard, really hard, and alone.

I’m one of the lucky ones, with today’s technology I can continue doing my job, with a large garden and plenty of space I’m not cramped in like others.

How would I be cooped up in an apartment? Heaven knows!

This is a testing time for all of us, freedom restricted, living life to its full denied. These times will pass, and we will all have a new appreciation of all the little things we took for granted, I sure will.

Stay strong, stay safe and above all treasure every intimate moment, every hug and every smile.

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Russell Broadbent MP
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