Raising of the Flags at Waratah Beach SLSC

3 December, 2018

Surf lifesaving clubs become the hub, the nurturing, of our coastal communities during the summer months. From Bass coast through to Prom coast, summers at the beach are made safer by the vital work of our local communities and our surf lifesaving clubs. This weekend I visited one of Australia's greatest beaches, Waratah Bay, and had the pleasure of being part of the Waratah Beach Surf Life Saving Club's raising of the flags to mark the start of the season. I want to sincerely thank the club for the work they do each and every year in protecting our community.

The board of the club include Rob O'Brien, long-serving president; Adam Clark, treasurer; Natalie Ashdown; Aiden Moriarty; Daniel Nelson; Jane Wilhelm; and Jessica Horsburgh. The club received $20,000 through the Stronger Communities grants towards renovations of the toilets at their clubhouse. I didn't open the toilet facility, but I was pleased to be there. Also there was Rob Liley, the chair of the Toora Bendigo Bank. The bank has been a great supporter of the club. Gill Nicoll, who is on the board of the Toora Bendigo Bank, was there with her son George, who had just been through one of the bronze medallion programs that the club runs. 'What an event that was,' he said. Shire councillors Alyson Skinner and Ray Argento are also great supporters of the club.

Waratah Beach Surf Life Saving Club has an incredible history and, with the passion of its members, will have an amazing future. I would like to be part of that through the $20,000 we gave the club to improve their toilets.


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