Question Time: TGA Redaction

13 November, 2024

Russell Broadbent here, Member for Monash. Welcome to another Question Time with Russell.

Today, my Question is to the Minister for Health:

Minister, can you explain why the TGA thinks it’s OK to redact safety information on Covid vaccine batch number FG0050?

One of my constituents has had a severe reaction to the contents of the vaccine and like me, believes it’s her right to know what’s under the ink of this Freedom of Information document number 45587.

I mean, take a look at this piece of paper. And this one. Clearly, the department has a pattern of redacting information they don’t want Australians to see. Why is that?

You can view this document in full on my website – at least the parts that haven’t been blacked out!

Thanks for listening, and tune in tomorrow for another Question Time with Russell.


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