National Summit on Women’s Safety

2 August, 2021

I encourage you to have your say on the next National Plan to end violence against women and their children.

The National Women’s Safety Summit on 6 and 7 September will now be held online and you can access the program here.

Live-streaming details will be made available on this website closer to the event.

Following the webinar, the Minister for Women’s Safety, Anne Ruston, has invited people to visit to make a submission and contribute to this important national discussion.

In addition to providing formal feedback through the DSS website, I also want to hear from my constituents in Monash. You can do so by emailing me at Please put “Feedback from the Summit” into the subject line so we can quickly identify your email. Pending the lifting of lockdown restrictions, I will host a follow up event to hear your feedback with a view to presenting your recommendations to the parliament.

If you or someone you know is experiencing or at risk of violence call 1800RESPECT and 000 if you are in danger.

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Russell Broadbent MP
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