Keeping the Projectors Rolling at Independent Cinema in Monash

15 July, 2021

Stadium 4 Cinema, Leongatha has been allocated $60,000 as part of the of the Morrison Government’s $20 million Supporting Cinemas’ Retention Endurance and Enhancement of Neighbourhoods (SCREEN) Fund.

Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts, the Hon Paul Fletcher MP, said more than $8.7 million had now been allocated for 158 independent cinema sites across the country.

“Independent cinemas are so important to the social and cultural health of our communities in Australia, which is why we acted quickly to introduce our $20 million SCREEN Fund,” Minister Fletcher said.

“Through this fund we are already enabling 158 cinemas to keep operating and to provide a popular, low-cost and COVID-safe way for people to go out and enjoy a movie as part of a community - particularly in regional areas.”

Federal Member for Monash Russell Broadbent said the grants would support the recovery of independent cinemas from significant declines in revenue due to COVID-19.

“I’m pleased to announce that Stadium 4 Cinema has been approved for a grant of $60,000 as part of the Morrison Government’s $20 million SCREEN Fund,” Mr Broadbent said.

“This funding will enable our independent cinemas to keep operating during a period of severe disruption, which is so important to the fabric of our community.”

Administered by Screen Australia, the fund assists independent cinema operators who have experienced significant declines in revenue due to the pandemic, with one-off business continuity grants of up to $85,000.

In recognition of the economic, social and national importance of the cultural and creative sector, the Morrison Government is investing over $1 billion into the arts and creative sector in 2021-22.

SCREEN Fund applications are open until 24 December 2021 or until total funds are committed. For more information on the SCREEN Fund, visit:

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