Is it Really a Future Made in Australia?

28 October, 2024

Russell Broadbent here, your federal member for Monash.

Labor is flaunting a Future Made in Australia, but they only want to be seen making attractive parts like solar panels and batteries.

And, is it really a Future Made in Australia when Minister Bowen has rejected to mandate the use of Australian steel in the energy transition?

That’s right – iron is one of many resources that Australia has an advantage in, and it is highly relevant to the fairytale energy transition – but still, the government doesn’t want a bar of it.

Supporting homegrown Australian industry is becoming more and more important to our local economy and national security.

This year, iron ore prices have fallen by 30% caused by the downturn in Chinese demand which threatens to leave our nation’s budget worse off by $3bn.

This serves as a timely reminder why we can, and should, be supporting Australian industry to preserve the local benefit of local manufacturing.

We shouldn’t have to reach into the taxpayer’s pocket when our land abounds in nature’s gifts of beauty, rich and rare.

A Future Made in Australia can be achieved organically using natural resources.

That’s Justice as I see it.

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