Today I wrote to the PM calling for the immediate suspension of COVID-19 vaccines due to DNA contamination. The evidence demands a full and transparent inquiry.
Russell Broadbent here, your Federal Member for Monash.
Time and time again, this government puts ideology ahead of common sense.
Rather than continuing to improve water efficiency and reduce water losses, the Government wants to spend billions and billions of dollars to buy water and take it out supply, essentially shelving it and making the remaining water – more expensive.
For context, the Government has recovered 2.6 gigalitres so far, but their goal is to take 450 gigalitres. That’s 18,000 Olympic swimming pools of water!
It’s a ‘feel good’ action with no tangible impact on the environment, but sure enough it’s at the expense of those providing for our nation.
Common sense says that making water less available for farmers, will not only disadvantage Australian farmers, but it will disadvantage Australia as a whole.
It’s basic economics! Understanding that making water more expensive, it will make final goods like fruit, vegetables and meat – more expensive. Cost of food is already crippling everyday Australians, why make it worse?
We expect better from people making decisions on behalf of our nation.
While others engage with the Novel of Nonsense, I am committed to bringing trust, reason and commonsense.
That’s Justice as I see it.
Russell Broadbent here, your Federal Member for Monash.
The Net Zero by 2050 target is not grounded in reality. It’s unproductive and it’s adverse to Australian taxpayers and energy consumers – which is all of us!
In the last 3 years, the average capacity of energy projects proposed for connection, has been just 230 megawatts.
How can that be logical when one coal fired power station can produce nearly 7,000 megawatts of continuous and cheap power.
Building these tiny 200-megawatt projects all over the place would devastate our natural lands and wildlife – not to mention building an additional 10,000 km of transmission lines!
When the Government want to spruik shiny trophy-targets like ‘Net Zero’, it is going to be at your expense – TWICE. As a taxpayer, and as a consumer.
There is no path to Net Zero without significant compromise.
That’s Justice as I see it.
I can’t stand idly by when Australia’s most vulnerable families are suffering from discrimination under the government’s No Jab No Pay policy.
This policy, designed to protect public health, instead creates new layers of inequity and exclusion, all while allowing those with financial means to side step the very restrictions others are forced to endure.
A simple, yet effective solution, lies in reinstating the option for conscientious objection for parents who choose not to vaccinate their kids. This change would balance public health with respect for individual choice and cultural diversity.
Russell Broadbent here, your Federal Member for Monash.
The Government of the day has chosen ‘Cost of Living’ to be a major theme in its Federal Budget which was handed down in May. Total hypocrisy when you pay attention to the details of our rorted tax system.
Australia is notorious for its taxes on everyday people, with an average 7.6% increase in the last year – that being the largest increase in the world. And this year’s budget confirms that individual income tax is the largest contributor to government revenue by far – with 47% of government revenue coming out of the salaries of individuals.
By contrast, only 20% of our country’s revenue is earned from company tax, many of which are large companies which control and distribute much more wealth than what is held by individuals. Shouldn’t we tax our trade instead of our people, shouldn’t we all enjoy the benefits of living in a resource-rich nation rather than be penalised for it?
As if the taxes on individual incomes weren’t enough – here is a couple more which we all are well familiar with; Stamp Duty, Capital Gains, Land Tax, Council Rates, Luxury Car Tax, Fuel Excise, Alcohol Excise, Superannuation Guarantee, Driver’s License, Boat Registration, Pet Registration, Medicare Levies – and the list goes on, and I reckon it grows longer under this Labor Government in particular.
And I know some of the impediments I listed before are the responsibility of state governments, but those taxes still affect what the Federal Government is doing about all important issues such as Cost of Living and Housing.
I know governments don’t get everything right and that they should be acting in the interests of the people they represent. But they should look for opportunities to monetise strong industries in Australia, which we still have.
Every time you move, the government steals a portion of your wealth, every move you make. Free Australians from the economic prison they are sentenced to. Let’s tax resources, not our people.
That’s justice as I see it.
Today is a dark day and one that does not bode well for the nation. The government's so-called combatting misinformation bill marks the beginning of the end for free speech and democracy in Australia. Make no mistake, this bill is another alarming example of overreach and a step towards government tyranny over what we can and cannot discuss. It gives the government unfettered power and control over Australians and their right to exchange ideas, thoughts and opinions. Do you realise what we're risking here? Free speech is the bedrock of democracy, and, as Benjamin Franklin said, there is no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech.
The bill compels digital platform providers like X and Facebook to censor content that may contribute to serious harm. But who makes that decision? Who's the arbiter of truth? One of the bill's definitions of content that may cause serious harm is content that may cause serious harm to 'public health in Australia, including the efficacy of preventative health measures'. Where have I heard those words before? Why don't they just say misinformation is whatever discussion or debate goes against the narrative of the government of the day? It appears that anyone with a view that's contrary to the government's narrative is going to be in the firing line, just like during the pandemic, when our government, the government I was a part of, censored 4,000 social media posts as misinformation, many of which proved to be absolutely true.
I'm not alone in my concerns. In giving feedback on the original exposure draft, the Law Council rightly outlined concerns that digital platform services lack the expertise and resources to identify and distinguish misinformation. The Human Rights Commission, who were missing in action during the pandemic, said the bill didn't strike the right balance between censorship of objectively untrue content and protection of freedom of expression. It seems this final bill hasn't adequately addressed either of these legitimate issues, so why is it being rushed through? I agree with Dr Phillip Altman, a pharmacologist with 40 years experience as a clinical trial and drug regulatory affairs consultant, who believes the biggest pedlars of misinformation during the pandemic were the government and unelected health bureaucrats.
That's because they: falsely claimed that the experimental gene based mRNA injections were safe and effective when this was not supported by the available evidence, even from the pharmaceutical companies themselves; falsely claimed the senseless vaccine mandates would help to stop transmission when they were never tested for that; falsely claimed that COVID injections would keep you from getting COVID, getting seriously ill or going to hospital; falsely claimed that masks prevented transmission or infection; falsely claimed it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated; falsely claimed that early treatments were unsuitable; and falsely claimed that there was no clinical evidence to support ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of COVID-19. Worst of all was the vilification and censorship of doctors, academics and scientists who raised the alarm about the safety of the vaccines.
But here's the rub: professional news services—mainstream media—are excluded from this bill. So they can lie or cause harm without fear of repercussions. Does anyone see a big red flag here? Based on what I've observed over the last nearly five years, it's the deliberate suppression of information by the media that is most sinister. This includes their failure to disclose the vested interests of so-called health experts, expert committees and institutions providing public advice; their failure to report on the doctors and health practitioners being deregistered and suspended for daring to disagree with the government's narrative; their failure to put pressure on the government to reveal the contractual arrangements with vaccine manufacturers; their failure to ask about the estimated 30,000 excess deaths since the rollout of the jabs; their failure to hold the TGA accountable for failing to investigate the more than 140,000 reports of adverse reactions to the jabs; their failure to highlight the minimal to near zero risk of COVID-19 in the young versus the risk to the elderly; and, most heinously, their failure to cover stories of the vaccine injured, including the thousands of injured Australians who aren't even eligible for compensation because of the illogically narrow eligibility criteria.
We're constantly assured that the science is settled and bombarded with propaganda to follow the science, but surely this dogma has no place in science. Surely our doctors, academics and scientists must be free to ask questions about assertions and debate issues. These are truly unprecedented times. In my 25 years in the parliament, I've never seen legislation like it. This is not the country I grew up in, and it's heading in a direction that makes me fear for future generations. Today I urge Australians to stand up and speak out on this bill while they still can.
Russell Broadbent here, Federal Member for Monash.
The findings from the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide – which noted that 1677 serving and former defence personnel had died by suicide between 1997 and 2021 is shocking and shameful national tragedy.
To the thousands of people that gave evidence, I pay tribute to your bravery in sharing testimonies of great pain and grief – all of which now serve as unequivocal evidence for much needed reform across government bureaucracies and the defence forces.
The men and women who put their lives on the line for our nation deserve better – and now government has a duty to ensure a compassionate, bipartisan and timely response to the 122 recommendations – one that puts veterans and their families above all else.
That’s justice as I see it.
Hello – Russell Broadbent here – your independent member for Monash
Today I want to clarify my stance on the No Jab No Pay legislation.
I'm no doctor and I’m certainly no giver of medical advice.
But I am an elected representative in this nation, and I have a responsibility to raise the alarm on any laws or policies that may adversely impact Australians – especially families with young children, single mums and the vulnerable.
My decision to seek to repeal the No Jab No Pay legislation has generated its own momentum – it’s no longer just about the No Jab No Pay coercive, punitive and discriminatory penalties, parents are finding their voice – and the unifying theme is for the government to back off and get out of their personal lives.
The stories I’ve read over the past few weeks are seared on my conscience, so many parents sharing accounts of inconceivable distress and anguish. Like Sarah, who was unable to work because she was unable to access childcare because her children were unvaccinated. A decision she made because she herself had experienced a severe anaphylactic reaction to vaccines and was desperately frightened that her own children may suffer a similar reaction.
Normal for a parent.
After Sarah’s doctor refused to give the children an exemption, another doctor suggested she should take the children to hospital so that there was a nurse and crash cart on standby!
This is horrific – it’s sick and I can’t stand by, I won’t stand by and allow this madness to continue.
How dare any government bring in such rules and penalties! It’s not even a health policy! It’s a department of social services policy!
Some people may be thinking I’m unhinged, a right-wing tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist, but I’m not and most of the people in the parliament now and over the years - know I’m not.
Cheap shot name-calling doesn’t matter to me. What matters is that literally thousands of families – maybe tens of thousands of families - especially single mums and other vulnerable people - are enduring unimaginable distress caused by this No Jab No Pay legislation.
Almost without exception, the emails I’ve received are written by articulate, intelligent and informed parents. And let me assure you, contrary to the media propaganda machine, the decisions made by many of these parents, have been based on research done AFTER a child – often the first – experienced a severe and life-changing reaction. Their stories are unbelievable.
All they’re asking is for the choice to make informed decisions for their own children. What right has the government to overrule them or the doctor/patient relationship? None!
These are some of the worst, most heartbreaking stories you will ever hear. And I suspect that if any of my fellow parliamentarians were to read these harrowing stories, they too would be similarly impacted as I have been.
In short, the childcare and FTB penalties are punishing parents for caring, for erring on the side of caution to protect their child.
If that doesn’t make sense to me - none of it does. Does it make sense to you?
Let me know your views I would be interested to hear them, pro or con.
If I’m out of order let me know, if I’m not back me up.
Hello Russell Broadbent here, your Independent Member for Monash
Thanks for joining me today.
I’m no stranger to standing up, speaking out and stating the truth as I see it – especially when it comes to people suffering injustice, discrimination or distress.
While there’s often a cost when you go against the herd, I’ve never regretted doing it - not once.
And I know that the families I’m standing up for regarding the No Jab No Pay policy are also no strangers to going against the tide, against the herd.
Over the years, whenever I questioned the mistreatment of vulnerable people like single parents, the elderly, disabled and refugees, the herd were not happy. That didn’t worry me.
When I questioned the validity of covid mandates and new vaccines, the herd were not happy. That didn’t worry me.
And rest assured, the herd won’t be happy when I take another stand in the parliament next week.
To the thousands of mums and dads who face discrimination, and financial punishment for the so-called ‘offence’ of not keeping their child up to date on the childhood immunisation register and to parents who felt coerced to vaccinate their children in order to work, let me say this, you’re not alone and we’re all in this together now.
The stories I’ve heard are gut-wrenching. The sacrifice of these intelligent and informed parents is humbling. Their desperation and distress is devastating to read, and their pleas for protection from further prosecution and persecution are heartbreaking.
You heard me correctly – these parents are being persecuted– not in Russia, not in China not in North Korea, but right here in Australia. They’re victims of a cruel and punitive government policy.
I salute these parents who refused to bow the knee and have stood tall against successive governments – refusing to vaccinate their children despite knowing the financial consequences.
As I continue to share their stories, I’m sure you’ll come to the same conclusion as me – that these parents’ sacrifices are a testament to their enduring love and concern for their child’s health and wellbeing, a decision that was often made after a first child suffered an adverse reaction to a vaccine.
Let there be no doubt, I will stand in the gap for these courageous parents until truth and justice prevail.
That’s justice as I see it.
Some of the stories people tell me about what they've endured as a result of remaining unvaccinated during the pandemic are as unbelievable as they are inspirational.
Stories of courage under fire and holding strong during periods of adversity and fear.
For Xin, her tenacity and determination paid off.
More than ever, I am convinced that the coercion and mandating of the untested Covid-19 jabs was a gross miscarriage of justice and an abuse of our human rights.