Australian Timber for Australian Infrastructure

25 February, 2025

Russell Broadbent here, Federal Member for Monash.

Recent data shows that imports of hardwood to Australia are on the rise. And that’s disappointing – especially when we have our own sustainable forestry industry right here at home.

We know that Australia will keep using hardwood – for housing, schools, hospitals and so much more. Hardwood is an incredible material, renowned for its structure, strength, and versatility. It's a resource that simply cannot be replaced.

Not too long ago, the forestry industry was the backbone of regional towns, not just in my electorate of Monash, but right across Australia. Now, instead of sourcing timber locally, we’re relying on imports. And that means regional Australia misses out on the economic benefits. All of this, because of an ideological stance that doesn’t hold up when you look at the facts.

Because the reality is this, we’re going to use hardwood into the future. So why not use Australian timber? By doing so, we can create jobs, support our regional economies, and take ownership of the risks.

That’s Justice – and the future we should be building - as I see it.

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