Beds boost 'a must' to meet aged-care demand

18 March, 2025

Federal Independent Member for Monash, Russell Broadbent MP, has committed to securing $40 million to create up to 40 extra aged-care beds for residents in Leongatha. 

Federal Government funding would initiate the highly anticipated construction of Stage 1 of Woorayl Lodge’s new facility on Boags Road. The design comprises an 80 bed, state-of-the-art facility that would allow residents to age in the one place. 

The original building is more than 50 years old and struggling to meet increasing demand. 

Mr Broadbent said that after years of behind-the-scenes work, now is the time to see this project through to completion. 

“We are seeking $40 million for construction because the people of Leongatha deserve this project,” Mr Broadbent said. 

“We want to ensure people can receive quality care locally, rather than moving location, which only places further strain on the resident and their support network.” 

Presently, Woorayl Lodge is a 41-bed facility, with more than 30 people on their waiting list. 

Co-Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Ross, said the greater Leongatha region desperately needs the new facility. 

“In South Gippsland, we are seeing an increase of people aged over 80 years who are 
in need of care. They are not coming into care until later in life, so they have more complex needs,” Mr Ross said. 

“There are no other facilities of this scale being planned for this region, so Leongatha and the greater region will benefit. Not to mention the creation of jobs and the wider economic benefits.” 

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