Question Time: Covid Royal Commission

14 November, 2024

Russell Broadbent here, Member for Monash.

Today, I have a question for the Prime Minister:

Prime Minister, prior to the election, you were in support of a Royal Commission into Australia’s response to the Covid pandemic. What changed your mind?

I wrote a letter to the Senate Committee tasked with considering the terms of reference for our now completed Covid Inquiry back in January.

As I said then: “The Australian people have paid dearly for the pandemic through restrictions to freedoms, separation from loved ones, threats to livelihood and employment, financial burdens, and health consequences. These costs came directly from government policy decisions.

Australians deserve answers to the most fundamental question about our pandemic response: Was the cost worth it?

This question can only begin to be answered through the mechanism of a Royal Commission with the correct Terms of Reference.”

Australians still deserve answers.

Thanks for listening.

We must have a Royal Commission - Russell Broadbent MP

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