Small Pharmacies, Big Impact

13 July, 2023

Hello. Russell Broadbent here, Member for Monash. This is a Just As I See It Broadcast.

Services delivered into my regional electorate of Monash are important to my community wherever or whatever the service provider offers.

Recently, I was accused of being a spokesperson for the Pharmacy Guild of Australia.

Wrong. I am a defender of my people in Monash.

Chemists provide many free services – medical advice, home deliveries, visits to aged care facilities, blister packs and much more.

And these small pharmacies are generally family run businesses that enhance communities across the nation.

If you live in the city, there seems to be a pharmacy on every corner…not so here in the country.

The Albanese government’s decision to implement 60-day prescriptions will undermine the business model of every pharmacy in Monash and across regional Australia.

I’m hearing it could force the closure of over 600 pharmacies and lead to 20,000 job losses.

Even Labor back benchers are revolting against the policy, with Senator Helen Polley warning the 60-day dispensing may force regional pharmacies to close, and MP Mike Freelander calling for an increase in compensation for chemists. And so they should.

Liberal and National governments have always put in place policies that support pharmacies in small rural townships and they worked.

Where was the careful analysis of this policy that clearly has unintended consequences for country people? It looks once again like bad policy equals bad politics – especially for us!

How I would love to see a large dose of common-sense wash over this government.

That’s Justice As I See It.

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