Supporting Monash to reconnect through the Arts

29 June, 2021

In a major boost to regional and remote communities, the Morrison Government will support 76 arts projects across Australia, with a share in almost $1.2 million as part of the latest round of the 2021 Regional Arts Fund Project grants.

Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities, Communications and Arts, the Hon Paul Fletcher MP said the funding will boost local economies in regional and remote areas across Australia.

“This funding will help regional artists develop works and shows that can be enjoyed by Australians everywhere – both in regional and metropolitan areas,” Minister Fletcher said.

Federal Member for Monash, Russell Broadbent said the Project grants will provide opportunities for artists and arts workers to cultivate creative community engagement with the arts as we emerge from the pandemic – reconnecting regional communities.

“I am pleased to announce that Chelle Destefano has been awarded a $30,000 Regional Arts Fund Project grant, which will strengthen their artistic and creative practice, and help develop audiences to reconnect to their communities and continue telling their regional stories,” Mr Broadbent said.

“This is a major boost for Monash and is part of the Government’s investment towards a sustainable, thriving and diverse arts sector across regional and remote communities.”

Each year the Government provides around $3.6 million through the Regional Arts Fund, supporting sustainable cultural development in regional and remote communities.

For more information about the Regional Arts Fund and to view the full list of Project grant recipients visit:

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