I look forward to the Minister's reply

26 October, 2022

A couple of weeks ago, former Commonwealth Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Dr Nick Coatsworth, said, 'If you're a really healthy child or adolescent, the benefit of the COVID vaccine just isn't there.' He also called for a review of vaccination guidelines for children. In Denmark, for example, COVID vaccinations are no longer being offered to people under 50, and in the UK injections for healthy children aged five to 11 have stopped altogether. I have been told of children suffering from myocarditis, heart attacks and strokes here in Australia. Am I the only one hearing this?

According to the TGA, as of 8 October this year, there were more than 136,000 reports of adverse reactions to the vaccines. To date, the health department has recorded nearly 10 million cases of COVID. The ABS has recorded a significant increase in the number of deaths during 2022. In New South Wales, data shows that, over a four-week period to 15 October 2022, of the 555 COVID hospitalisations, 554 were triple and quadruple injected; just one was unvaccinated. I am very surprised that there isn't more public questioning of the mandating of vaccines.

So last week I wrote to the federal Minister for Health and Aged Care, Mark Butler, to ask about the vaccination of healthy young people, the justification for any ongoing COVID-19 mandates, health professionals being censored and gagged and whether the Pfizer vaccine was tested for the reduction of transmission of COVID. I look forward to the minister's reply.

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