Digital ID: Voluntary until it isn't!

7 August, 2024

Russell Broadbent here, your Federal Member for Monash.

You know when the Government says that they won’t make something mandatory, but then somehow it ends up becoming mandatory?

Like how the Government didn’t mandate the COVID jab, they just told businesses that they needed to mandate employees.

Just like how we apparently have free speech in this country, but the Government gets Big Tech to censor apparent mis and disinformation for them.

When it comes to doing the dirty work, it’s never the Government’s fault.

The same should be expected of the Digital ID. The Government might not mandate it, but you can bet your life that it will be incentivised and then mandated in some or other creative and manipulative way.

That’s why I want to bring your attention to the Digital ID Repeal Bill being introduced by Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson, Rennick and Roberts.

They are fighting the good fight, against a society which has terms and conditions on your participation.

The movement against the Digital ID grows stronger and stronger, as more people realise that trust in the government is at an all-time low.

People realise that they are slowly being robbed of choice. Choice as to how they think, speak and go about their daily lives.

Bad things happen when good people do nothing. I applaud the Senators for their efforts to repeal the Digital ID Bill. If you feel like you’ve lost trust in the Government, share your concerns with your local MP.

That’s justice as I see it.

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