COVID-19 Statement

15 June, 2020


This nation has faced unprecedented trauma. It's touched every family, every person, everybody, every business across this great amazing place. We have three levels of government. We have another level as well below that, and that's the community: the community leadership. In a number of my shires they have been able to bring together all the leadership to confront the effects of the virus on their communities. I commend those, especially local councillors, state members and federal members in the area, who are working together today for the best outcome they can possibly pull out of this terrible pandemic. They are working together for the first time, they're not in competition. It's not federal, state and local: it's everybody in the boat together, working together for the best outcome we can possibly get. So I think in any community, if we're going to get through this together and face the traumas that are still to come—there will be traumas still to come. There are still outbreaks across this nation, small as they may be, but the important thing is that this is really serious. We can't let this get out of the bag again and have our whole community then faced with that same trauma. So, congrats to everybody at every level of government for the way they have gone about protecting the wellbeing of their communities right across the nation.

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