My heart goes out to my fellow Victorians

1 June, 2021

Mr Speaker, you will agree with me that today in Victoria we have many people in distress, including in your own electorate. I have spoken to my colleague the member for Calwell. She has a number of issues around her electorate that are most difficult to deal with at this time. Every one of us, whatever side of this House we're on, are facing great difficulties. Even my own family are struggling to find out what they can and what they can't do, what my daughter is able to do with her daughter and what my wife is able to do. I wouldn't be a stranger in that place and none of us are strangers in this place.

There are people who are under great stress today and we identify, as Victorians, with every one of them. Our heart goes out to them, our care goes out to them and every effort is being put in on their behalf to make sure the most vulnerable are cared for. In this, we are all Australians and we are all Victorians. It's important for this nation to know what is happening. Maria is here now. Maria, thank you for the work you're doing on behalf of your constituents and we're doing as much we can on behalf of ours. That's Victoria together. We will stay together and we'll do this together, and Victorians will rise to the occasion and do the best they can in the conditions they are surrounded with.

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